HP 126NW Print Scan Copy Network Wifi A4 Laser Printer


  • A4 Black and White Laser Printer, Perfect for Home
  • Print, copy, scan
  • Print speed up to 21 ppm (black)


High Volume Printing

With this HP printer, you can print thousands of pages with ease as it uses high-yield Original HP ink cartridges.

Affordable Printing

This HP printer is reliable and easy to use as well as maintain. Also, you can take printouts quickly, while saving paper and money.

High-yield Ink Cartridges

Use Original HP ink cartridges (sold separately) with this printer so you can get more printouts before having to replace them.

Easy Printing

This printer enables you to quickly and easily take printouts of documents from your smartphones, tablets, or other compatible devices.

Wireless Printing

You don’t need to enter a Wi-Fi code or a password to take printouts from your smartphones or tablets.

Easy Mobile Printing

You can connect your smartphone or tablet directly to this HP printer and take printouts of important documents, pictures, and more, even without having to access a network.

Display Panel

The intuitive display panel of this HP printer features simple icons for print, copy, and scan functions so that you can get your tasks done with ease.

Quick Connection

This multifunction printer from HP lets you print, copy, and scan documents in a jiffy, as it automatically connects to your wireless network.

Quiet Mode

Select the optional Quiet mode to print documents and reports without disturbing anyone around you.


1 Year


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